Categories: DUNIA

LaoSafe Launches Destination Video

The video ends with the slogan “You’re Safe Here”, a motto that underscores the overriding goal of the LaoSafe initiative.

“The LaoSafe certification program has been instrumental in restoring confidence in the Lao tourism sector among visitors. This video allows the sector to build awareness and increase certification efforts beyond Vientiane Capital and Luang Prabang,” said Mme Darany Phommavongsa, Director General of the Tourism Management Department, under the Ministry of Information, Culture and Tourism.

Regarding the launch of the video, Mme Darany Phommavongsa said, “This destination video is an important contribution to ensuring visitors are aware not only of the safety measures and guidelines in place by the LaoSafe program, but also serves to showcase the beautiful tourism sites that Laos has to offer.”

“We will continue to build on the momentum of the LaoSafe initiative to ensure that Laos remains a safe and clean country that is attractive for both foreign and domestic visitors in line with the government’s green growth and sustainable development goals,” she added.

The LaoSafe program is supported by the Skills for Tourism Project (LAO/029), which is co-financed by the governments of the Lao PDR, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and Switzerland, and implemented by the Ministry of Education and Sports of the Lao PDR and LuxDev, the Luxembourg Development Cooperation Agency./LaoSafe

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