Categories: TEKNOLOGI

NCS ramps up digital services arm NEXT to meet growing global demand

Industry leaders driving NEXT’s growth

At the helm of NEXT are two industry veterans – Wynthia Goh and Tristan Sternson – who will jointly lead strategic growth plans to accelerate NEXT’s global reach and innovation ecosystem, particularly in the key markets of Singapore, Australia and APAC region.

According to IDC, the digital services market in APAC will grow at a CAGR of 16.9% over 2020-2025 to reach US$190.8 billion in 2025.3

Wynthia Goh has led NEXT since its setup and brings more than 20 years of experience leading regional digital teams in global organisations as well as helping clients successfully harness technology to drive growth. She is a recipient of Singapore’s 100 Women in Tech awards in 2020.

Tech pioneer Tristan Sternson has led ARQ Group in Australia to become a multi-award-winning digital and tech services firm with a 26-year heritage of technological innovation. ARQ delivers advisory, design and managed services to more than half of Australia’s top 20 ASX-listed companies.

Ms Wynthia Goh, Senior Partner and global Co-lead of NEXT at NCS, said, “With NEXT, clients can tap into NCS as a local partner as well as access global talent to help them develop innovative solutions and achieve their business outcomes.”

“We’re excited to showcase the synergies and collective strength of NEXT’s scalable and agile teams to support the growing demand for digital transformation across industries.”

Mr Tristan Sternson, Senior Partner and global Co-lead of NEXT at NCS, added, “We have combined some of the best digital businesses in Asia Pacific to work closely with our clients and partners to unlock the full potential of digital technologies.”

“NEXT will enable cross-pollination of tech innovation to ignite possibilities and make the extraordinary happen with partners and clients, which will create positive impacts on businesses and the communities they operate in.”

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