Categories: BISNIS

Shopee Reveals Malaysians’ Impact on E-Commerce

Getting items delivered faster is the strongest reason for Malaysian buyers to shop from local sellers (42% of buyers). 20% feel strongly about supporting Made in Malaysia goods to keep the economy running in Malaysia, 19% have preferences for locally tailored products and 11% believe in the quality of locally sourced and made goods.

Not all shoppers prioritise discounts and vouchers exclusively. In fact, seven in ten Malaysian buyers equate peace of mind with online shopping with Shopee.
40% express this as ‘the convenience and flexibility of having parcels delivered to my doorstep’. 17% feel safer as ‘Shopee Guarantee ensures my transaction is safe and secure because money is not released to the seller until I confirm receipt’ and 10% study reviews and pictures left by other customers.

The study, which will be shared in more detail on 25 August 2022, also dives deep into key learnings about how much Malaysian shoppers save online, the role of these savings given the current economic environment, and what drives their seller preference.

Findings can be utilised by businesses to build long-term loyalty with consumers. Shopee Malaysia’s ‘Celebrating the Heart of Malaysia on E-Commerce’ is the first in a series and will be built upon in the coming months./Shopee

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