Categories: PENDIDIKAN

CUHK Business School Research Reveals the Genetic Makeup of a Leader

Personal Traits Count

Aside from strictly genetic considerations, the research team tested genetic correlations between leadership position and a set of observable personal traits that are traditionally related to leadership: intelligence, risk tolerance, and height. The results suggested that the genes that are believed to drive leadership may also be related to these traits. In finding links between the traits and underlying genes in leaders, researchers think it is possible that these genes may carry genetic influences on leadership through many of these personal traits.

While genetic research into the role of leadership is in its infancy, the new study is an important step forward and is likely to shed light on the direction and scope of future studies in the field. “While certain genes can play a role in whether an individual turns out to be a leader or not, they may not end up expressing themselves.

At the very least, they are not a determining factor in shaping the well-being of a leader. Behaviour and lifestyle can influence the expression of genes and improve the chances of good health in leaders. And good health is always an important asset to any organisation, no matter where leadership resides,” Prof. Li adds./MON/RD

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