Categories: PENDIDIKAN

CUHK Business School Research Reveals the Genetic Makeup of a Leader

HONGKONG – Is there such a thing as a natural-born leader? A new study sheds light on the genetic influences on leadership and found a surprising connection with bipolar disorder and alcohol consumption.

Individuals in leadership positions are more likely to have certain genes — and not all of them are good. An increased tendency to drink alcohol — which has been shown to cause cancer — and an increased risk of bipolar disorder are among the negative health indicators associated with leaders, according to findings from a new study.

Identifying these specific genes helps us understand how our biology influences occupational health and well-being, and specifically, how that plays out among people in leadership positions.

“Our findings provide insights into the heredity of leadership positions and also the shared genetic underpinnings between the leadership position itself and one’s general health,” says Li Wendong, Associate Professor at Department of Management at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School, and a co-author of the study.

“Our research continues the biological story of leadership. Since the late 1980s, studies using twins have shown that differences in people’s genetic make-up account for 30 percent of differences in whether they hold leadership roles. Now we have gone a step further in and conducted genomic studies using a vast database to identify genes related to leadership,” adds Prof Li, who notes that the study has implications for leaders and prospective leaders in managing their health and well-being for their long-term career development.

“A significant reason why our findings matter is that leaders’ well-being affects their behaviours, which may influence the performance and well-being of their subordinates, teams, and organisations. The implications arising from a leader’s health can be vast,” he says.

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