Categories: BISNIS

OPPO Released Always-on Moment Videos and Launched ‘Good Company’ Events at Service Centers

SHENZHEN, CHINA – The competition in the smartphone market has grown increasingly fierce. In addition to product & technology innovation, there is also a need to pay attention to customer services & experiences.

This important touchpoint would define a consumer’s journey experience with a strong perception between the brand and its users, and it has become a necessity to enhance in terms of retaining loyal users and maintaining an excellent brand reputation.

During the past June and July, OPPO released three video clips which were originated from real user stories of different countries and regions and enjoyed great popularity among users.

The first one- Together We Create – showed the experience of elderly users who have learned how to use smartphones with the help of service advisors; the next video- A Chance Meeting- was the story of a repair technician helping an uber driver to find and solve GPS problems while sitting in the users’ car; while the third video – Reunion- showed how an OPPO service staff visited users’ home and returned the phone to her who encountered special circumstances. Through these ordinary everyday challenges, OPPO creates touching moments with its users.

Whether it is a special case or daily routine, all the stories have shown OPPO’s service motto “Care & Reach”, constantly removing the barrier between customers and OPPO products by empowering OPPO users with simple ‘How-to’ guidance and convenience brought by advanced technology.

In addition, OPPO also held “Good Company in June” offline activities in Malaysia, Philippines, Pakistan, Egypt, Tunisia, and some other countries and regions, encouraging users to take their parents to OPPO Service Centers and clear up their confusion on the daily use of cell phones, or fully master a new function.

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