Categories: BISNIS

Prince Holding Group Voted as Top 20 Favorite Companies

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA – Prince Holding Group, one of Cambodia’s largest business groups, is pleased to announce that it was selected as one of 20 companies to receive the 2022 People’s Choice Stevie® Awards for Favorite Companies.

Among conglomerates winners across 67 markets, Prince Holding Group stood out, within a poll of 53,000 corporate representatives, for its business performance, philanthropic work and anti-epidemic response last year in Cambodia.

Neak Oknha Chen Zhi, chairman of Prince Holding Group, is proud to been voted as Top 20 Favorite Companies in 2022 People’s Choice Stevie Awards among conglomerates winners across 67 markets.

“We believe in the impact that corporates can make for the communities surrounding its businesses, and that public-private partnerships hold the key responsibility in aiding the social and economic recovery as we continue to build a better life for the people we serve,” said Gabriel Tan, Chief Communications Officer of Prince Holding Group.

With total assets under management exceeding US$2 billion across various projects in real estate, financial services and consumer services, Prince Holding Group is part of the rising wave of socially responsible corporates in Cambodia that publish their annual reports detailing their CSR activities.

Earlier in the year, Neak Oknha Chen Zhi, chairman of Prince Holding Group, had also been recognized as Entrepreneur of the Year – Conglomerates (Cambodia) for the second consecutive year by the International Business Awards, for successfully building a multi-sector business group that has witnessed rapid growth through acquisitions and partnerships./PrinceHoldingGroup


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