Categories: BISNIS

Prudence Foundation Launches The 3rd SAFE STEPS D-Tech Awards

Samuel Harris, Public Sector Startup Lead, Asia Pacific and Japan at AWS, said, “AWS is committed to providing startups with the tools, technical training, and mentorship to scale and build solutions addressing real-world social challenges. We are excited to be supporting the D-TECH Awards for the first time, to help organisations leverage cloud technology to create safe, more resilient communities in the region so they can better prepare for, respond to, and recover from natural disasters and public safety emergencies.”

“Technology addressing man-made and natural disasters provides innovative solutions to some of the most pressing challenges facing our communities today. By fostering collaboration among startups, nonprofits, and technology organisations, we can drive progress in technology tackling real-world disasters, and create a more resilient and prepared future for all,” said Thaddeus Koh, Founder of e27.

The competition is open for entries until 15 March 2023. Both startups and non-profit organisations are welcome to apply. Details of the application criteria, timeline and other relevant information can be found here./Prudence Foundation

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