Categories: BISNIS

RoboHero Launches a Mobile Game with a Metaverse Dimension

In order to win the fight, players must either defeat their opponent or take control of six of their structures.

A Game Offering Bonuses to Its Community

In RoboHero, gamers can enjoy several perks and bonuses. Among these, the team mentioned:

  • Players can purchase insurance for PVP battles to protect their robots from damage.
  • Each RoboHero group has developed its own special gear to improve the abilities of those who wear it.
  • Each player can claim ROBO tokens in the story mode and native tokens in the PVP mode.
  • NFT Lands play an essential role in the RoboHero, where PVP fights occur.
  • NFT Mines are present throughout the world of RoboHero and are used to craft weapons and armor.
  • It is possible to get a new robot through breeding.
  • The Watch2Earn application allows players to receive SCRAP points for watching ads and enter the game with a new robot./RoboHero

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