KUALA LUMPUR, MALAYSIA – #ShopeeGivesBack, Shopee’s long-term community initiative, has collectively raised RM2.9 million across two years, through fundraising efforts with over 40 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to help underprivileged Malaysians in times of need.
#ShopeeGivesBack which launched on 1 May 2020 during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, uses technology to help the underserved in Malaysia across four areas: underprivileged communities development, children and family services, health charities, and environmental charities. The platform provides Malaysians with an online avenue to support their favourite causes in the most convenient way. Shopee ensures that these NGOs have credible track records and are registered with the Registry of Societies.
RM2.1 million came through always-on platform donations as buyers shopped on a daily basis and made informed choices on which causes to donate to via the #ShopeeGivesBack dedicated microsite. 56% of donations raised through this channel went to B40 and community aid NGOs such as Pertubuhan Kasih Neelofa, Islamic Relief Malaysia, and Pusat Jagaan Nurul Jannah. 20% of the funds raised went to NGOs providing medical kits and mobile clinics during floods such as MERCY Malaysia. 14% of the donations assisted partners like UNICEF Malaysia in meeting critical needs of marginalised children and their families in Covid-19. 10% went towards environmental causes such as Zoo Negara, where the funds aid in the annual food, enrichment, and veterinary care of the animals.
RM800,000 was raised during special e-commerce campaigns helping targeted causes: Zoo Negara ticket sales for example raised over RM400,000 for animal welfare whereas over RM200,000 in flood relief funds (including RM100,000 matching contribution from Shopee) helped 1,300 families rebuild their lives after recent floods in Kedah, Kelantan, Selangor, Pahang, Terengganu, Johor, and Negeri Sembilan.
Huiyan Pan, Head of Brand Marketing at Shopee Malaysia said, “Based on the estimates from our key community development NGOs, we would have provided food and essential supplies to over 3,000 families in dire need during the pandemic. Shopee is humbled to be able to obtain the support of our NGO partners and galvanise shoppers on our marketplace to contribute towards long-term sustainability of these communities.”
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