Categories: BISNIS

NTU Singapore and RGE Launch S$6 Million Joint Research Centre to Tackle Textile Waste

NTU Senior Vice President (Research) Professor Lam Khin Yong said: “Collaboration between universities and the industry has never been more important to tackle today’s complex social, environmental and economic challenges. The RGE-NTU SusTex is yet another example of how the culture of collaboration with industry is embedded in NTU’s innovation ecosystem. Such collaborations allow for a healthy exchange of ideas and know-how between industry and academia, and help pave the way for the translation of research ideas, maximising the reach and impact of NTU’s research for society’s benefit.”

Singapore Economic Development Board’s (EDB) Senior Vice President, Dino Tan said: “The successful launch of RGE-NTU SusTex is a testament to EDB’s efforts in connecting our corporates with Singapore’s research institutes. We are confident that by combining RGE’s manufacturing expertise with NTU’s research capabilities, the new research centre will represent a significant step towards meeting Singapore’s sustainable manufacturing goals. We look forward to forging more such partnerships, to support the development of innovative green technologies and solutions that can be scaled in Singapore and the region.”

The joint research centre is part of NTU’s ambition and efforts to mitigate our impact on the environment under its NTU 2025 strategic plan, and builds on RGE’s sustainability commitment, part of which is to explore how waste can also be used as a resource to generate new materials.

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