Categories: BISNIS

Spot by NetApp Announces Continuous Security Solution for Cloud Infrastructure

Compliance: Support compliance to industry security standards and regulatory mandates, enabling businesses to stay compliant.

“DevOps engineers are constantly asked to deliver solutions to a wide range of challenges that can impact the efficiency and operations of their business,” said Azzedine Benameur, Head of Spot Security for Spot by NetApp. “Spot Security provides DevOps and SecOps a solution that meets the critical requirement to ensure the security of their dynamic cloud environment, further innovating the Spot by NetApp CloudOps suite of solutions that automate and optimize operations in the cloud.”

“Hybrid and multi-cloud are providing enterprises some of their biggest business opportunities of all time, while potentially bringing in new cyberthreats,” said Sanjay Rohatgi, senior vice president and general manager, NetApp Asia Pacific & Japan. “Spot Security is a decisive step towards NetApp’s efforts to bring the agility, flexibility and cost effectiveness of cloud to APAC organisations without compromising security.”/NetApp

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