CUHK Business School Research Reveals the Genetic Makeup of a Leader – Laman 3 – SWARAKEPRI.COM

CUHK Business School Research Reveals the Genetic Makeup of a Leader

CUHK Business School Research Reveals the Genetic Makeup of a Leader

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The study brought to light possible unique genetic associations between well-being and leadership. It found that genetic influences associated with leadership position may be detrimental to well-being. This is in contrast to previous research that showed a positive correlation between leadership and general health and well-being indicators and revealed a fundamental reason why holding a leadership position is not always beneficial to one’s health and well-being.

After adjusting for the effects of income and education, holding leadership positions was genetically linked to a higher Body Mass Index, an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, and further reduced longevity.

“The high psychological demands embedded in holding leadership positions — chronic stressors — might play a role because they stimulate psycho-biological stress responses, including changes in fat metabolism and cardiovascular function, which are detrimental to health in the long run.” says Prof. Li.

In other words, leaders may be genetically pre-disposed to develop the above stress-induced diseases and conditions, but the stress involved in being a leader can trigger or exacerbate such an impact.

One of the most relevant and surprising genetic markers this study found to be associated with leadership is the genetic variant linked to an increased risk of bipolar disorder and schizophrenia.

“While those with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia may have some advantages to become leaders, we are the first to find genetic variants linked to both leadership and bipolar disorder and schizophrenia,” says Prof. Li.

Bipolar disorder, formerly called manic depression, is a mental health condition that can cause mood swings of various severity, ranging from emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression). While most people diagnosed with bipolar disorder will experience some emotional symptoms between episodes, some may not experience any.

Prior research on bipolar disorder concludes that it is a mixed blessing in leaders. On the one hand, leadership studies found bipolar disorder to be linked to positive traits of high intelligence, creativity, and entrepreneurship. Other research shows it can negatively affect one’s job performance.

Also observed in the study is a genetic connection between leadership and an increase in alcohol consumption — an unhealthy behaviour that has been shown to cause cancer.

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