SINGAPORE – NetApp® (NASDAQ: NTAP), a global, cloud-led, data-centric software company, today announced the general availability of Spot Security. Built for the cloud, Spot Security delivers a solution for continuous assessment and analysis of cloud security posture. Spot Security enables DevOps and SecOps teams to easily collaborate to identify misconfigurations, reduce their potential attack surface, and ensure compliance.
Spot Security’s agentless technology analyzes cloud resource relationships to provide clear visibility and prioritized actions, automatically determining the prospective exposure of each cloud resource and surfacing critical security threats based on their potential impact to the organization. These automated actions mitigate alert fatigue and keep cloud infrastructure secure and operations teams efficient.
With Spot Security, organizations can now enjoy
360° Visibility: With a clear view into security posture and attack surfaces, network analysis, asset inventory, and cloud user behavior all from the same console via graph visualization of risk maps and service maps.
Prioritized In-Depth Analytics: Identify new risks, abnormal behavior or new cloud resources in an instant with continuous monitoring and analysis, ultimately providing clear objectives for DevOps teams to focus on and steering efforts to real issues, removing false positives and embedding security into cloud operations.
Automated Detection and Remediation: Detect misconfigurations and anomalies to efficiently support remediation of security and compliance risks across multi-cloud infrastructure.
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